Friday 18 January 2013

Beet roots superb for health


Best source of Folic acid

  • Folic acid is good for pregnant women because its helpful in preventing certain types of birth defects 
  • Folic acid is good for prevention and treatment of cancer
  • Folic acid is an protect against heart attacks and strokes 

Reduces blood pressure 

  • Daily one full glass if beetroot juice or 2 to 3 cooked beets are great for reducing blood pressure and its risks 

Good in anemia and fatigue

  • Beet root contain iron which has ability to treat  anemia and fatigue

Beetroot Can make u smile :)

  • Beetroot contain betaine, which produces body’s natural mood-lifter seratonin.
  • So eating raw fresh beetroot can  make you smile.

Alzheimer disease, and dementia

  • Its use is good for people stuffing from Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia because of the high content of nitrates 

Good in Cancer

  • The red color in beetroot, called betacyanin, is contain certain anti-cancer agents and it  used in the treatment of cancer for some years.

 Immune Booster

  • Beet Roots are full of both vitamin C and iron, which is great for your body. It also contains other vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, phosphorous, magnesium and B6. All these nutrients boost your immune system, helping you better fight with infections.

How to use:

  • It can be use in a raw form. Expectant mothers  must remember though that cooked beetroot has lower levels of folic acid than raw beetroot
  • It can be cooked
  • It can be use in the form of juice
  • It can also use in form of soup
  • It can be used as a puree or mixes puree with other vegetables and fruits 

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