Tuesday 15 January 2013

Amaranth Grains and Leaves are good for health

Good for cancer prevention and treatment 

  • Amaranth Leaves  can increase red blood cells in body . If you are diagnosed with cancer . you should definitely be adding Amaranth Vegetable and Grains to your diet.

Amaranth Leaves  Juice for Hair loss and grey hairs Treatment

  • Amaranth Leaves  Juice is good for for Hair loss and grey hairs Treatment, directly apply its juice on scalp for good results. 

Excellent for growing children

Its juice  can be given to children as a natural protein tonic , it contains all the essential amino acids .It also offers high calcium and high  vitamin content which is good for bones growth of children.

 Controls cholesterol

when it is included as a regular part of a dietary plan it helps in controlling cholesterol level. Researchers have also found that these grains contain toctrienols a form of Vitamin E which is known for its cholesterol lowering activity in humans.

Good to treat for anemia ( lack of blood / خون کی کمی )

Its use help in increasing blood level

Nutritional Benefits 

It is a good source of dietary fiber and dietary minerals such as

Combined with corn or wheat flour, it makes “almost” a perfect protein
It has more iron, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium in compare to other grains.  .

Right wheat grain and left Amaranth grains or seed

How to use

  • Its Grains can be  popped like corn and use like breakfast cereal.
  • Amaranth flour can be added to thicken up soups.
  • Amaranth seeds add a nice crunch to cookies.
  • Seeds can be cooked as a breakfast cereal.
  • It can be cookes by combine  with other grains like rice
  • It can be cooked as like spinach and other vegetables.

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