Saturday 11 May 2013

Do's and Dont's for Diabetics


  • Eating should be at fixed hours.
  • If you had started insulin , take three times proper meals with some snacks between them.
  • Make sure to eat fresh vegetable salad daily
  • Do almost 50 minutes exercise daily.
  • Add dietary fiber in your diet like add wheat bran to your wheat flour in a ratio of 50:50 %
  • Once in an year, do visit your doctor to check your eyes, feet and kidneys.


  • Avoid over eating 
  • Avoid eating immediately after a workout.
  • Avoid  eating fast but masticate and munch your food well while eating.
  • Don't  take tobacco and alcohol.
  • Avoid to do  over exercise .

Do's and Don'ts for The  Foot of Diabetics

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