Sunday 6 November 2016

Why positivity is important for us and how can we catch it

What are the actual advantages of being more positive?
Firstly we should know how negative emotions effect our concentration and quality of our work and very powerfully closed our minds towards new opportunities or novel ideas.
The effects of harmful feelings are biological
 instincts programmed into our brains to support us to survive. Like, if a man comes across a dangerous animal, the negative emotions of terror and nervousness would narrow our focus so that he can concentrate to think about his safety. This assisted us to more competently direct our energy and mental functions towards our life goal.
Obviously, today’s life doesn’t often place us in life-and-death situations like this, so allowing negative feelings to narrow our thinking can be dangerous. It can make people less exposed, more hard-headed and more problematic in communication.

What are the actual advantages of being more positive?
1.Battle between conscious and subconscious
Amazing point about negativity is that our brains can’t process undesirable words according to the newest researches. So when we listen words like “don’t play” or “don’t eat that,” our subconscious left over these negative phrases and just hears “play” or “eat that.” Our conscious mind can clearly process these phrases, but it’s the subconscious mind that makes many of our choices without us understanding.
This can often be a problem with children due they haven’t learned to practice their conscious minds to process those negative sentences and control their subconscious.
So we must aware of our negative thoughts and practices which are under control of our subconscious and try to wake up our conscious mind.
     2.  Your future happiness
Positive thinking can really support us to increase our overall happiness. In this regard we should note things on daily for which we are grateful.
A study at the University of North Carolina also showed that optimism are more likely to inspire people to make strategies ahead and plan for actions they would like to take in the future. Negative emotions stopped them towards achieving their goals.

3. Healthy mind and body

It is proved that positivity directly affects our physical health. According to a study from the University of North Carolina used the early practice of loving-kindness rumination to check how calming positive feelings like love, concern and kindness towards others could affect the emotional and physical health of the participants.
Compared to the control group who did not contribute in the meditation, the meditators presented with increases in positive emotions like delight, wonder and thankfulness during the research period. They also stated feeling more socially connected and closer to the people around them.
Physically, these participants showed improvements in their heart health and total physical health.

Tips to make your life happy and positive:

Now that we know how helpful positivity can be to our wellbeing and contentment, let’s view at some methods of building a routine of being positive.


Environment is a critical factor for building and breaking habits.
Our environment includes:
·         People with whom we spend time
·         Messages we hear
·         Messages we convey to our selves
·         Our physical and mental activates
What to do to make suitable environment:
·         Spend time with people who are doing the habit you desire to do.
·         If you can’t easily approach them, find them and request them to talk to them or spend some time with them.
·         Join a kind group online who are doing the same things you wish to do.
·         Read online articles and books that motivate you to do the habit.
·         Have reminders most of places around you
·         Create a public challenge for yourself, to create answerability.
·         Make a habit to report any of your friend or family member each day, and make a promise never to miss.
In this effort of positivity, you could select a friend or family member to support you in this mission and fix a everyday reminder so you don’t forget. Filling your work place with positive quotes or pictures could help, and reading books that improves positive thinking will strengthen this habit.


Take small steps initially to progress towards big goal so start with single and small step cecause you will feel happy to do it instead of feeling irritated.


Observing the positive things that occurs in your daily life has been confirmed to be a fruitful technique of growing your positive thinking. Its effects are not sudden but much longer and very effective.
A research of 90 undergraduate students had one half of them noted down about positive emotions for three sequential days. The second half noted about general topics that didn’t affect their feelings. After three months, the research found that the students who had written about positive experiences still had improved mood levels and fewer diseases.
Note down or tell someone three things you’re thankful for at the end of each day.


Meditating is useful for physical and mental. It improves mindfulness, positive thinking, decrease diseases and improve spirits of purpose in life up. Make routine of practicing daily otherwise must do or three months it will automatically make your habit)

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